The California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park is home to the Museum of Natural History, the Steinhart Aquarium, and the Morrison Planetarium:
The Lick Observatory, on Mount Hamilton, south of San Jose, is a world-class astronomical observatory operated by the University of California.
The Lawrence Hall of Science, is located in the Berkeley Hills, above the campus of the University of California. It has a science museum, a small planetarium, a science store, a cafeteria, and also offers science enrichment classes for children.
The Egyptian Museum of the Rosicrucian Order, in San Jose, California, has the most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian arifacts on the West Coast.
The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose is oriented to teaching high technology to students. It also houses an Imax theater.
The San Francisco Bay Model Visitor Center, in Sausalito, is a huge, indoor, scale model of the San Francisco Bay, built and operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
The Monterey Bay Aquarium is a spectacular aquarium specializing in the life native to the Monterey Bay area on the central California coast:
The Steinhart Aquarium in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park has extensive salt and freshwater environments from around the world:
Yosemite National Park, in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, has two web sites: One is operated by the National Park Service: . The second is operated by the contractor which provides visitor services, lodging, dining, and stores:
Muir Woods is a beautiful coastal redwood grove in Marin County, just across the Golden Gate from San Francisco. It is operated by the National Park Service.